95 Year Old Lady Sets World Record in Athletics (Video)

May 8, 2014

I was trawling around the internet yesterday and found one of the most inspirational stories I have ever seen. Olga Kotelko has become the oldest recorded female indoor sprinter, high jumper, long jumper and triple jumper at the World Masters Athletics Championships. Wait for it….she is 95!

The Canadian ‘Supergran’ first starting doing athletics at the age of 77, and since then has gone on to get 30 world records, and 750 gold medals.

As one of 11 brothers and sisters brought up on a farm, she has always been active – as is anyone else who works in that industry. She has now outlived all her siblings and most of her friends, and puts it down to one thing.

“I think your age is just a number. It’s not your birthday, it’s how you age which makes the difference.

“It’s your attitude to all the things that happen in your life that plays the biggest part.”

Grab Life With Both Hands

This is a truly refreshing attitude. How many people have found themselves refusing to start a new thing because they are ‘too old’? This woman was 77 and she started doing athletics. What is stopping you doing a a new college course, or going for that dream job? I doubt many of you reading this are over 77.

Also, people aren’t viewing age as a big hinderance these days. To be fair people are embracing it. Take a look at the mature London escorts They are some of the most popular in the land. You don’t have to be 18 years old to be a success today.

So go out today, and make it your own. There is nothing stopping you. Certainly not your age!

Now we have got the motivational stuff out of the way, just enjoy the video. It is fantastic!


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