Get articles from industry professionals discussing every aspect of escorting today, as well as some hilarious stories from around the globe.

A woman in lace stockings and underwear putting money in her stockings.
November 14, 2018

When times are tough, people will start talking about the economy and what we can do to better it. As individuals, we can all take small steps to try and improve it. But did you know that one of those small steps could involve bettering your sex life?

The UK: home to some of the strangest sex laws
May 16, 2016


It’s been said that absolute vodka corrupts absolutely… or was it absolute power? Both most likely have corrupted the brain cells of numerous legislators in the UK over history causing them to enact and uphold absolutely absurd laws. Did you know that during the reign of Oliver Cromwell, the dude banned mince pies on Christmas Day?! Many odd laws have happened in history and what’s stranger is many of them remain active perhaps as a milestone of man’s sheer stupidity and a testament to the legislation’s addiction to absolute vodka and power. Take the strangest UK sex laws, for instance.

A typical English town where people might choose to cheat!
March 8, 2016

People have affairs. We’ve come to accept that the urge to cheat is in most of us, and while many like to think they’ll never do it, we aren’t so sure. When a sexy person comes your way it is hard to resist, and it seems that pretty much everyone struggles with that desire to explore sex with someone new.