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February 25, 2016


Unfortunately, sex can sometimes get really boring. Looking for a way to spice things up in the bedroom? There are plenty of hot and steamy sex games you could play to make things exciting, and best of all, many of them are really easy to do.

November 18, 2015

Video gaming is a huge industry. Millions are poured into it each year, and the results are obvious. We see people spending on game after game for their entertainment, and the amount of merchandise available for gamers is truly huge. They can wear their gaming pride on their sleeves, while those who watch porn don’t get the same luxury. Sure, you could walk around wearing a t-shirt from your favourite website, but you probably will get a lot of weird looks for it.

January 15, 2015

In a couple you can find that things get a little stale. Inevitably, you will find yourselves doing the same routine when it comes to sex. The same foreplay, the same positions, the same time scale.

December 11, 2014


We all know at least one drinking game, designed to get you and your friends completely wasted in a short amount of time. But imagine how fun a drinking game designed to get you as sexually aroused as possible could be. Whether you play these as a couple or with a group of friends, dirty drinking games are a sure fire way to keep the chemistry alive and let your hair down on a night in.