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Durex Encourages Us To Lube Up During Sex!
January 25, 2019

Our bodies are amazing things. They are capable of incredible acts, and yet there are also times when we feel as though our body has let us down. For example, during sex you might find that you are feeling a little dry, which makes it challenging to enjoy the sex you deserve.

Passion, desire, partners, pleasure, fashion, relationship, date, game, bed, bedroom, health. Cropped hot erotic mistress, holds wrapped silver pack package, guy lying, grabs, touches, caresses her
November 9, 2018

The treatment of AIDS has changed massively throughout the years. It used to be considered a death sentence, breaking down your body’s defences and leaving you vulnerable. However, advances in treatment mean that you can live a full and happy life when properly medicated.

April 14, 2015

Yes, you have read that correctly. If you think you are a sex entrepreneur, whether you are “a startup virgin” or “an experienced entrepreneur”, then you might just get the chance to pitch your genius and sexy idea to Durex and Red Pagoda Resources. Yes, really.