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Red room
August 5, 2017

In a rather troubling case, a police force have been accused of threatening brothel workers with prosecution, rather than targeting the armed robbers who have made a series of raids in the area.

November 6, 2015

Brothels have a pretty poor reputation in the media. Whenever you hear about them, it is so that the newspapers can cheer that yet another one has been shut down. They are always thought to be home to women forced to work in this life, who have been trafficked in from other countries and forced to sell their bodies and souls to make a little bit of money that will then be taken from them. It’s all very doom and gloom and we rarely hear about the positives of working in a brothel.

October 7, 2014


I have been on a number of websites for brothels in America. You go to the Bunnyranch in Nevada and you have a full range of services of on offer which make the encounters sound like a dinner menu that I would get if I went to Nando’s. To be fair, I always thought it was an American thing, and we would never get it in London.